Dr. Susan Tasillo: Dr. Sue loves practicing in Grand County. Whether it's pulling porcupine quills from an unlucky dog, stitching a cut on a horse or updating your pet's vaccines, it's all rewarding. Dr. Sue came here after many years of practice in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. She wanted to practice in a small community where she got to know her clients, and also be somewhere with lots of open space. Grand County is perfect!
Currently, Dr. Sue is hoping to retire and enjoy all that Grand County has to offer. However, she will continue to provide services to local residents on a limited schedule. If you know of a veterinarian that wants to practice in the mountains, send them! The search for someone to take over has been very disappointing.
Bachelor of Science University of Vermont, 1976
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine New York State College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, 1981
Member American Veterinary Medical Association, Colorado Veterinary Medical Association
Certified PennHIP member (evaluation of hip health for breeding and service dogs)
Member Veterinary Information Network (online resource for current clinical information)
AKC Breeder of Merit (Cocker Spaniel)